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Author: Revd Nick

Last Supper

Social isolation: a tale of two friendships

GOOD FRIDAY, 2020 – The Reverend Nick Morgan John Chapters 18 and 19 Our way of social connecting, and spiritual connecting has changed in recent weeks, so I want to look at the events of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday in terms of a couple

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” is a phrase for our times. It’s said by those whose businesses have lost their income; by those whose school year came to an abrupt end without taking the exams they’d worked hard towards or their leavers’ ball;

Palm Sunday 2020 – Worship Where You Are

Join us on Sunday 5th April for our Palm Sunday service to worship wherever you are. This week’s Newsletter can be downloaded by clicking this text, and includes today’s readings. Rev’d Trish blesses the palms at the start of the service (and these will be

Worship Where you Are! Sunday 22nd March 2020

Dear Friends, Some of you have already downloaded our Mothering Sunday service sheet which you can do in your own homes together for this Sunday. As an experiment, and to get you used to the habit of looking at the website to join with our

Is Church closed? No – far from it…

Dear Friends, In response to the government’s advice in response to the spread of COVID-19, The Church of England has changed how it goes about its business. We are not shutting shop – far from it. But our public worship has been suspended until further