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Author: Revd Nick

The resignation of Archbishop Justin Welby

Those who have suffered abuse must be first and foremost in our minds as those of us in the Church of England process the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday.   Their courage in coming forward, and their fortitude in facing delay and inaction on

A path through a churchyard in springtime

St Mary’s Churchyard – June 2024

To those who tend graves at St Mary’s Church, Boston Spa a note from our vicar, June 17th 2024 I have been on medical leave since mid-April and have returned to discover a lot of upset regarding recent work in the churchyard at St Mary’s,

Reverend Nick’s Lent videos

Before he went on medical leave to have a spinal operation, Rev’d Nick recorded some Lent videos, and has added to these during his convalescence. The series is called “Vicarly ponderings” since they are unscripted reflection on aspects of the Christian life. They are published

Situation Vacant: Part Time Children’s Minister

    SITUATIONS VACANT We are looking for someone with enthusiasm and excellent communication skills to deliver our primary age children’s programme supported by the clergy and some volunteers. This part time role is 8 hours per week (annualised over a year) and flexible working hours

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services 2021

You can attend services in person at each of our 4 churches: MIDNIGHT COMMUNION (Christmas Eve) 11pm Boston Spa (also livestreamed) 11.30pm Thorp Arch CHRISTMAS MORNING COMMUNION 8am Book of Common Prayer, Boston Spa 9.30am Walton 10am Bramham 10am Boston Spa Please wear face coverings