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St Mary’s, Boston Spa

St.  Mary’s provides a spiritual heartbeat for the village of Boston Spa. Morning Prayer is said here by our clergy most days of the week, and the church has  a long tradition of being kept open (Mondays to Saturdays) from 9am until early evening for private prayer or simply as a place for a few minutes of peace and quiet.  On Sundays it is open at 7.45am when an 8.00am service of Holy Communion is celebrated, on the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month.

Our Parish Room is used by community groups, and the Parish Office here is the administrative hub of the four churches of the Benefice of Bramham. 

Our church school, St Mary’s C.E. Primary, is not far away, and many local schools in the area hold services and events here.


There is a carpark next to the church (in Church Fields to the west of the church). Disabled or other visitors who are less fleet of foot are welcome to drive down the church drive and be dropped off at the main door.  A parking space can be reserved near the church entrance on request.

The church has flat access from the roadside and no steps to gain access. A button operated automatic door has been fitted to assist wheelchair users. Our orders of service follow RNIB guidelines for ease of reading. The church has a hearing loop fitted. 

To find out more about the history, archaeology, and architecture of this Grade II listed church, go to the Church of England’s online heritage database; the Church Heritage Record.

St. Mary’s Magazine

St Mary’s Magazine is published and printed every month.  It can be delivered to your home for £6 per year (12 issues).  Please contact with any queries about delivery, advertising or if you’d like to submit an article for inclusion.

Services and Events Calendar at St Mary’s, Boston Spa

2025 February

Week 4

Mon 27
Tue 28
Wed 29
Thu 30
Fri 31
Sat 1
Sun 2
Mon 3
Tue 4
Wed 5
Thu 6
Fri 7
Sat 8
Sun 9
Mon 10
Tue 11
Wed 12
Thu 13
Fri 14
Sat 15
Sun 16
Mon 17
Tue 18
Wed 19
Thu 20
Fri 21
Sat 22
Sun 23
Mon 24
Tue 25
Wed 26
Thu 27
Fri 28
Sat 1
Sun 2