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Author: Revd Nick

Sunday Service, August 2nd 2020

Join us in Summer Sunday worship from 10am on Sunday 2nd August. Remember, you can also join us for Holy Communion at St Mary’s Church, Boston Spa every Wednesday at 10am as well throughout the summer.

Our Sunday service, 26th July 2020

This Sunday’s Worship Where You Are service launches this year’s holiday club. This is being done differently this year and, together with our ecumenical colleagues, we are running The Hope Club throughout the entire summer holiday!  Find our more in this 20 minute service which

Sunday Worship, 19th July 2020

This Sunday’s service is at 10am at St Mary’s Church, Boston Spa.  It follows our now familiar “Worship Where You Are” format (you can download an order of service here)  and you can join this service either by attending St Mary’s itself, or live on

Sunday Service 12th July 2020

Our online service this week is a little different. We shall be Livestreaming our processional service The Light of Christ throughout the morning over on our Facebook page, The Easter flame which has been kept burning in the vicarage since Easter Day will be

Reopening for public worship

From 4th July it has become possible to reopen our church buildings for public worship.  We have chosen to implement this in a cautious manner in line with national guidelines. Below can be found our risk assessment documents, Holy Communion protocols and the national guidance

Summer Worship 2020

As public worship in churches is now permitted (with a number of limitations), details of church and online services can be found here. If you print it off (double sided, flip on short edge) it is a folded booklet. SUMMER SERVICES 2020

Worship Where You Are – Sunday 28th June 2020

Join us at 10am on Sunday 28th June for our weekly service and Worship Where You Are. The video premieres on YouTube at that time, but you can watch at any time after that as well.  Our Newsletter is also available on the home page