Reopening for public worship
From 4th July it has become possible to reopen our church buildings for public worship. We have chosen to implement this in a cautious manner in line with national guidelines.
Below can be found our risk assessment documents, Holy Communion protocols and the national guidance which informed these. These are presented in the interests of giving worshippers and visitors for private prayer confidence when they attend our churches.
Currently only All Saints’, Bramham and St Mary’s, Boston Spa are open regularly for private prayer, and only St Mary’s, Boston Spa has been reopened for weekly acts of worship (Wednesday 10am Holy Communion services).
St Mary’s Risk Assessment for opening for individual private prayer, June 2020
Updated risk assessment St Mary’s Church to include public worship, late June 2020
All Saints’ Bramham Risk Assessment for reopening for private prayer, June 2020
Protocols for Holy Communion at St Mary’s Church, July 2020
The above risk assessments and protocols were guided by the following national guidance documents.
Church of England Guidance on re-opening church buildings