Sunday Service 12th July 2020
Our online service this week is a little different. We shall be Livestreaming our processional service The Light of Christ throughout the morning over on our Facebook page,
The Easter flame which has been kept burning in the vicarage since Easter Day will be processed through the Benefice, and the Easter Candle at each church will be lit from it. Small numbers of worshippers can join us in each church for a 10 minute act of worship, others can join the brisk walk (at Rev’d Nick’s pace) between the churches (see schedule below) but most people will join the service online on Facebook, either live (times as below) or by watching the videos later at their leisure.
9am St Peter’s, Walton
9.45am All Saints’, Thorp Arch
10.30am St Mary’s, Boston Spa
11.30am All Saints’, Bramham