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Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday in our churches

Services and Events at church, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday

Maundy Thursday

7.30pm St Mary’s, Boston Spa – The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday with washing of feet, followed by The Watch

Good Friday

10am Connections Cafe in the Parish Room at St Mary’s, Boston Spa. Runs until 11.30am – including an age-appropriate retelling of the story of Good Friday around 11am. Suitable for children.

11.30am Walk of Witness from St Mary’s to the Methodist Chapel, Boston Spa

1pm Bramham Village Hall – help us make the Easter Garden and decorate eggs, then egg rolling in the churchyard

2pm All Saints’, Bramham – Stations of the Cross

2pm St Luke’s, Clifford – Good Friday service

7.30pm St Mary’s, Boston Spa – Liturgy of Good Friday

There are no services or events on Holy Saturday.
Note that the clocks go forward one hour overnight into Easter Day.

Easter Day

6am Dawn Service at St Mary’s, Boston Spa

8am Holy Communion, All Saints’, Thorp Arch

9.30am St Peter’s, Walton – Holy Communion

10am St Mary’s, Boston Spa – Holy Communion

10am All Saints’, Bramham – Holy Communion followed by an Easter Bonnet Parade

11am St Luke’s, Clifford – Parish Mass followed by Egg Hunt